Articles & reviews about podcasts, apps, websites, recipes, videos, photography

Websites | What’s Alan Watching – best site for insightful TV commentary

Websites | "What's Alan Watching" - Sepinwall’s site is a great place to go for thought provoking and insightful TV commentary. When I want to know what’s worth watching, I always go to "What's Alan Watching". And whenever I’m confused by something I’ve already seen, my TV pal can always be counted on to fine tune my mind’s screen.

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Websites | Funny or Die – The Presidential Reunion is a video featuring Will Ferrell

Video | Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion - featuring Will Ferrell, Chevy Chase, Ron Howard, Jim Carrey, Fred Armisen. This amusing video features Will Ferrell, Chevy Chase, Ron Howard, Jim Carrey, Fred Armisen, Darrell Hammond, Dan Aykroyd, Maya Rudolph and Dana Carvey.

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Podcasts | Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show – the planet’s best talk show ain’t on TV

Podcasts | KEVIN POLLAK’S CHAT SHOW- planet’s best talk show . With no time or language or commercial restrictions to hold it back, KEVIN POLLAK’S CHAT SHOW has blasted off into the stratosphere to become the planet’s best talk show. I’ve gathered some tasty samples of his podcast featuring Jon Hamm, Seth MacFarlane, Jane Campion, Dana Carvey, Lisa Loeb and Kevin Nealon.

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