Funny Dog Video | puppy’s funny attempts to join dad on treadmill
Puppy’s Many Funny & Brave Attempts To Join Dad Awwww you gotta love this little puppy’s bravery and determination! He looks to be only 5 weeks old, but he so…
Puppy’s Many Funny & Brave Attempts To Join Dad Awwww you gotta love this little puppy’s bravery and determination! He looks to be only 5 weeks old, but he so…
Greg Proops is certainly not the smartest man in the world, nor is he the funniest for that matter, but there is never a dull moment and he never fails to entertain.
The Who’s Line is It Anyway? veteran and improv champ takes on a live audience every week, discussing current events, celebrity culture, and his personal life all on a whim. It’s bold, funny, and showcases Proops’ innate comedic knack that is only getting better with age.
Recent episode – Live from the Laugh Stop in Calgary, Greg speaks on snow, scandal and Sweet Caroline. Direct download: SM239.mp3 . Here’s a funny video too…
Ultimate Guilty Dog Compilation There are two kinds of guilty dogs. The ones who immediately go into submissive mode with a look that says, “go on, eat my belly, I…
19 people who are having a way worse day than you #4 Anyone trying to be Captain America
Crazy Cats Stealing Dog Beds This is my fave compilation on this silly subject. Some of these poor dogs will try to fling their beds, some bark hysterically & some…
The Facetune app lets users remove blemishes, diminish dark circles, smooth skin and create many effects that normally take considerable Photoshop training to master.
Facetune by Roy Furchgott
One reason celebrities look so polished in photos is that there are Photoshop artists to smooth every wrinkle, minimize every pore and erase every blemish. The rest of us? We have to live with poorly lighted mobile phone selfies. An app called Facetune helps you look your Hollywood best, even in photos taken on mobile phones.
Jerry Seinfeld is back with “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee”–an excellent and amusing web based series. Episodes follow a format of Seinfeld introducing a vintage car, picking up the guest comedian, and taking them out to have coffee. A simple and engaging concept.
Leave it to Jerry Seinfeld to create something fresh and funny about three things you don’t normally think of together. His Internet show, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, is a well-deserved hit, and the second season features such luminaries as Sarah Silverman, David Letterman, and Don Rickles.
Each short episode is a lighthearted attempt to answer a serious question: what makes something funny?
The show is presented by Crackle.
Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee – Review So Far
In the new season premiere, Seinfeld takes Sarah Silverman out for a ride in a Jaguar XKE convertible. Each comedian gets paired with a car that matches their persona. So Silverman gets a sleek and sexy Jaguar, while comedy legends Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner got a silver Rolls Royce for their episode last year. In an upcoming episode, Seinfeld and David Letterman cruise the streets of Connecticut in a Volvo station wagon suped-up with a new engine by the great Paul Newman.
So why is Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee so popular? I think it is because there is a difference between watching a stand-up comedy act and watching innately funny people be themselves. Sure, the former is a crafted experience designed to make you laugh your ass off, but the humour presented in a naturally witty conversation always has that extra something due to the spontaneity of it. (more…)
Crazy Husky Joyfully Playing In Huge Pile Of Leaves Since this Husky doesn’t have piles of snow to romp around in, he figures this huge pile of leaves is close…
The Funny Water Antics Of Best Friends--An Elephant & Dog This video’s got a ton of fun & warmth to enjoy. Well much more than a ton since Bubbles, the…
Funny Animal Videos-best dancing dog of all time, viral video. This funny video showcases the best dancing dog in the world. This clip is over two minutes long & the dog is dancing on two legs almost the whole time. Amazing.
Humor-video-Playing dead trick by dog, cat, dolphin, hamster. Wonderful funny, cute collection of animals doing the classic “bang you’re dead” trick. Hell I didn’t even know a hamster could do this trick. Or cats for that matter.
Video | Teaching rescue dogs to drive cars. Animal experts in New Zealand have taught three rescue dogs how to drive cars. Here are several videos proving they actually did it and a tale of the tail.
Humor | Video - Doggie made Rube Goldberg machine. Inventive concept meets flawless production & stellar canine acting. This dog Rube Goldberg machine is entirely powered by dogs & their favorite toys. Enjoy!.
Video-silly puppies funny reactions to first citrus encounter. Funny, amazing mashup of dogs considering, licking and then FREAKING OUT over some seriously sour fruits. It can be entertaining to see your pooch pucker up
Humor | Video - hilarious cats argue & play patty-cake. I thought this one was pretty funny with just the cat patty cake thing going on. But then the cats start talking and takes it to a new level. A couple of guys found the original clip and did a great job writing the dialogue and then performing it with impeccable comedic timing. My hat’s off to them for the fine effort!
Funny Animal Videos-wonderful cute baby & puppy love fest. I’ve never seen a puppy so enthralled with a baby. It is so cute! Such hugging and kissing & fuzzy fun. Need a quick stress reliever this is the video for you
Baby And Cat In Snuggling Nirvana This is the cutest baby and cat video I’ve ever seen! It’s almost too cute. These two are just enthralled with each other. Whenever…
Humor | Video - dog trying to play fetch with statue. This pooch is totally convinced a statue of a man is actually alive and has to play fetch with him. Must play! The border collie barks & cries and bounds about!
Humor | Video - the ultimate dog shaming | My fave poor pooch behavior clip! Very funny. Maymo the beagle is making very poor choices. dog rolls in pickles, hoards water jugs, destroys stuffed panda, etc
Humor | Video - funny husky throwing temper tantrum. This goofy dog acts like a little kid who thoughly protests and refuses to do what you tell him to do. The pooch refuses to stop watching TV on the couch. Must c TV