Lost blind dog in Alaska wilderness finds her way back to family
Lost blind dog in Alaska wilderness finds way back to family. A dog Christmas miracle.
Lost blind dog in Alaska wilderness finds way back to family. A dog Christmas miracle.
Apps | Pocket - saves articles, videos, & more for later viewing later. With the app, Pocket, you can save articles, videos, etc, directly from your browser or apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse, etc Automatically syncs to devices.
Video | Animal Odd Couples - friendships between species of animals. These skillfully shot videos reveal fascinating, touching and quite unlikely cross-species friendships in animal kingdom. Videos of cross-species relationships
With this Starbucks eggnog latte recipe, you can savor the holidays with a rich espresso beverage that’s complemented with subtle holiday spices, steamed milk and topped with nutmeg.
Winter conjures up memories old and new, cold and bright and, of course, the holidays. With friends and family coming together this time of year, here’s your chance to enjoy the season and reconnect with a classic treat that will keep you warm and fuzzy all season long.
Whether your winter is snowy, rainy or just plain cold, this classic Starbucks latte has been keeping fans warm since 1986. And now, you can enjoy the tradition too. (more…)
Animal Wellness Foundation - Los Angeles animal rescue group Animal Wellness Foundation is an LA based group that provides health care for dogs & cats of low-income families & adoption of lost & abandoned pets in LA.
Scripts | Lincoln - with intriguing tales about writer, cast, production, director. “Lincoln” script was written by Tony Kushner, based on Doris Kearns Goodwin's “Team of Rivals”. Kushner, Steven Spielberg, Daniel Day-Lewis video interviews.
Podcasts | Mohr Stories - comedian Jay Mohr weaves humorous tales & interviews. Comedian Jay Mohr and a rotating cast of his hilarious friends regale you with tales and conversation covering every topic imaginable on his podcast Mohr Stories.
Apps | IMDB - excellent app for movie showtimes, reviews & more. The best movie app is from IMDB. Among its entertaining functions, like listing an actor’s filmography & movie trivia, IMDB has a great showtime section.
Video | How a nutty idea becomes real--creating a cardboard bike. This video shows how Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni created a functioning cardboard bicycle. Ride on!
Recipes | Cheesecake Factory - pumpkin cheesecake & cheesecake pops.Here’s a great recipe for the Cheescake Factory’s classic pumpkin cheesecake, and one of their fine chefs also reveals his secret recipe for pumpkin cheesecake pops.
Scripts | The Descendants with intriguing tales about the production, cast, writer, director. The Descendants is an American comedy-drama film directed by Alexander Payne. The script by Payne, Nat Faxon & Jim Rash is based on the novel by Kaui Hart Hemmings
My big fun with "serious" Oscar-winning director Errol Morris. Hanging out with Oscar-winning director Errol Morris, I learn the “serious” filmmaker is actually a fun goofball. Morris has been my doc hero for many years.
The Bugle is one of my favorite comedy podcasts. For several years, I’ve been enjoying this weekly satirical news podcast created by comedians John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman.
You may know Oliver from his job as a correspondent on John Stewart’s The Daily Show, for which he won an Emmy in 2009, and his own HBO show.
And you may know Zaltzman from, uh, uh, let’s see, hmm, give me a minute… (crickets chirping) err, maybe… just a minute (paint drying)… uh… ok, I don’t know what the hell Zaltzman might have done or be known for or is up to, but I like him plenty and laugh at him plenty more.
John is located in New York and Andy is somewhere in Great Britain, and through the marvels of modern technology, they get together every week to create this perfectly preposterous podcast.
Here a blurb they tarnished Wikipedia with… Oliver and Zaltzman, with their combined height of 3.59 metres, will together canoe through the murky swamp of big stories, small stories and assorted hogwash that inundates our daily world. Comprising news, sport, comment, analysis, other stuff, The Bugle is the newspaper of the future, before the future actually happens.
Podcasts-Slate's Political Gabfest-discussion about politics. Slate's Political Gabfest podcast aims to recreate the kind of informal and irreverent discussions Washington journalists have after hours over drinks.
Apps-BigOven 250,000 recipes, your grocery list, menu plans, more. Big Oven app is a great demonstration of why recipe apps are better than books.Over 250,000 recipes, with a search engine offering options for finding recipes
Recipes-Olive Garden Chicken Gnocchi Soup with how-to video. Delicious recipe for Olive Garden's chicken gnocchi soup is made with roasted chicken, traditional Italian dumplings & spinach. How-to video makes it easy.
Scripts-The Dark Knight Rises by Christopher & Jonathan Nolan. The Dark Knight Rises script. Film was directed by Christopher Nolan, who co-wrote the screenplay with brother Jonathan Nolan & the story with David S. Goyer.
Video | Baby twins rock out to dad’s guitar & millions laugh. One of the cutest videos I've seen & apparently over 11 million people agree. The viral video of 2 babies is short and sweet--if you need a smile, it’s a treat
Humor | My dog: the paradox comic, essay
Apps | Locates lost or stolen smartphone - Plan B, Find My iPhone. When your dear smartphone is lost or stolen, Plan B, Find My iPhone & other apps reunite you. They find iPhones & Androids. Check them out before it’s too late.