Websites | Harvard Business Review – informative, thought provoking essays that ain’t boring

The Harvard Business Review site has an excellent blog stuffed with fine articles, breakthrough ideas and commentary from the leading thinkers in business, management and humanity.


After a friend sent me a link to an excellent article, The Best Strategy for Reducing Stress (below), I discovered the Harvard Business Review Blog Network. And I was surprised to discover I liked it. It isn’t just about the business of business–it incorporates the business of being human in a complex society.

Harvard Business Review is a research-based magazine that focuses primarily on management techniques and breakthrough idea and its primary customer segments are new managers, emerging leaders, and experienced leaders. It has been the frequent publishing home for scholars and management thinkers such as Clayton M. Christensen, Peter F. Drucker, Michael E. Porter, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, John Hagel III, Thomas H. Davenport, Gary Hamel, C.K. Prahalad, Vijay Govindarajan, Robert S. Kaplan, and others.

Management concepts and business terms such as “Balanced scorecard,” “Core competence,” “Strategic intent,” “Reengineering,” “Globalization,” “Marketing myopia,” and “Glass ceiling” were all first given prominence in HBR.

Harvard Business Review


HBR Blog Network – How to Build a Brand Like Corona

Rohit Deshpandé, Harvard Business School professor, describes ways that emerging market companies can overcome consumer bias against their products. He is the author of the HBR article Why You Aren’t Buying Venezuelan Chocolate.

The Best Strategy for Reducing Stress by Peter Bregman

Imagine you’re sailing in the Bahamas, sipping a cold drink and listening to the water lapping the sides of the boat.

Relaxing, right? Not for my friend Rob.*

Rob is not usually stressed-out. For many people, Rob’s daily work would be hair-pulling stressful — he’s a real estate developer who routinely deals with a multitude of nagging problems related to renters, banks, lawsuits, property management, and rapidly changing valuations. But Rob routinely handles it all with steadiness and perspective.

So why was he stressed that blissful day on his boat? The same reason most of us get stressed: frustrated expectations. Rob had an important call to make and his cell phone wasn’t working. He was experiencing the gap between what he expected to happen and what was actually happening.

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