Podcasts | The Bugle – weekly satirical news by comedians John Oliver & Andy Zaltzman

The Bugle is one of my favorite comedy podcasts. For several years, I’ve been enjoying this weekly satirical news podcast created by comedians John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman.

You may know Oliver from his job as a correspondent on John Stewart’s The Daily Show, for which he won an Emmy in 2009, and his own HBO show.

And you may know Zaltzman from, uh, uh, let’s see, hmm, give me a minute… (crickets chirping) err, maybe… just a minute (paint drying)… uh…  ok, I don’t know what the hell Zaltzman might have done or be known for or is up to, but I like him plenty and laugh at him plenty more.

John is located in New York and Andy is somewhere in Great Britain, and through the marvels of modern technology, they get together every week to create this perfectly preposterous podcast.


Here a blurb they tarnished Wikipedia with… Oliver and Zaltzman, with their combined height of 3.59 metres, will together canoe through the murky swamp of big stories, small stories and assorted hogwash that inundates our daily world. Comprising news, sport, comment, analysis, other stuff, The Bugle is the newspaper of the future, before the future actually happens.

Video sample of The Bugle podcast


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Podcasts | Marc Maron’s WTF – thoughtful, talented comedian interviews other comedians

Podcasts | Marc Maron’s WTF - a thoughtful, talented comedian interviews other comedians. I’ve enjoyed over 50 of Marc Maron’s WTF podcasts. This smart comedian has a talent for coaxing surprisingly revealing and interesting things from his comedic guests which results in excellent and unique interviews not usually obtained by others.

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Podcasts | Kevin Pollak’s Chat Show – the planet’s best talk show ain’t on TV

Podcasts | KEVIN POLLAK’S CHAT SHOW- planet’s best talk show . With no time or language or commercial restrictions to hold it back, KEVIN POLLAK’S CHAT SHOW has blasted off into the stratosphere to become the planet’s best talk show. I’ve gathered some tasty samples of his podcast featuring Jon Hamm, Seth MacFarlane, Jane Campion, Dana Carvey, Lisa Loeb and Kevin Nealon.

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