The Arts | stunning animal creations from living human models
You may think you’re seeing a frog–but in fact you’re seeing five human beings, painted and intertwined to create an incredible art illusion by Italian artist Johannes Stoetter.
Inspired by nature, Italian artist Johannes Stoetter turns living models into animals, fruits, flowers, or blends them with the surroundings. These impressively detailed paintings take up to five months of thorough planning and up to eight hours of work to complete. The winner of the World Bodypainting Championship says that the key to success is to love what you’re doing: “I think I observe the world, nature, colors and shapes with very clear eyes and an open heart. And painting is my big passion.”
Johannes Stoetter body painting art video
You’ll have to look really close at this picture of a beautiful parrot to realize that it’s not a parrot at all. The rich red-and-gold plumes are, in fact, a woman’s limbs painted to perfection. The incredibly clever photograph is the work of 35-year-old body painter Johannes Stoetter. (more…)