Video | Dancing with my baby-me
Video | Dancing with my baby-me | Winning video combo of a creative & cute concept with dancing babies..Cute fantasy of seeing yourself dancing w you as a baby looking back at you through reflection
Video | Dancing with my baby-me | Winning video combo of a creative & cute concept with dancing babies..Cute fantasy of seeing yourself dancing w you as a baby looking back at you through reflection
Humor | Video - hilarious cats argue & play patty-cake. I thought this one was pretty funny with just the cat patty cake thing going on. But then the cats start talking and takes it to a new level. A couple of guys found the original clip and did a great job writing the dialogue and then performing it with impeccable comedic timing. My hat’s off to them for the fine effort!
Funny Animal Videos-wonderful cute baby & puppy love fest. I’ve never seen a puppy so enthralled with a baby. It is so cute! Such hugging and kissing & fuzzy fun. Need a quick stress reliever this is the video for you
Baby And Cat In Snuggling Nirvana This is the cutest baby and cat video I’ve ever seen! It’s almost too cute. These two are just enthralled with each other. Whenever…
Humor | Video - dog trying to play fetch with statue. This pooch is totally convinced a statue of a man is actually alive and has to play fetch with him. Must play! The border collie barks & cries and bounds about!
Humor | Video - Dancing with my baby me | A winning combo of a creative and cute concept with dancing babies! Hard to resist. It is a cute fantasy of seeing yourself dancing with you as a baby looking back at you through a reflection.
Humor | Video - the ultimate dog shaming | My fave poor pooch behavior clip! Very funny. Maymo the beagle is making very poor choices. dog rolls in pickles, hoards water jugs, destroys stuffed panda, etc
Humor | Video - funny husky throwing temper tantrum. This goofy dog acts like a little kid who thoughly protests and refuses to do what you tell him to do. The pooch refuses to stop watching TV on the couch. Must c TV
Humor| Video - dog doing human things like dressing, driving. Video of a hound dog going about the daily human activities from waking up to alarm, getting dressed, brushing teeth, having breakfast, watching TV, driving
Funny Animal Videos-babies laughing at dogs and playing. Funny video montage of adorable babies laughing their huge little heads off as rambunctious dogs lick their faces, play & jump around. Humorous video for kids.
Funny video of puppy eating in a weird way. I've seen a lot of dogs eating and this puppy takes the cake for strangest method ever.
Best news bloopers - very funny & bawdy compilation of video clips Including one with super model Kate Upton.
Video | Animal Odd Couples - friendships between species of animals. These skillfully shot videos reveal fascinating, touching and quite unlikely cross-species friendships in animal kingdom. Videos of cross-species relationships
Video | Top 10 funny Curb Your Enthusiasm scenes. Here are a couple of Top 10 “Curb Your Enthusiasm” video compilations to hold over Larry David fans until a new season.. Also information about the stars and gossip.
Video of dogs riding bikes. Funny dog riding bicycle with a dog chorus line behind him and a solo ride by the famous Norman.
When stress levels rise, try a few seconds of these funny babes for instant relief. This is the best video compilation of laughing babies that I've ever seen. Hilarious top…
Apps | Fido Factor - fetches dog-friendly locations anywhere. This fine Fido Factor, a free app, digs up & fetches a big user-generated list of dog-friendly locations.Has ratings, reviews, photos, & filled-in Google map
The perfectly produced talking dog video, Ultimate Dog Tease, has been viewed by over 63 million. It was made by Andrew Grantham, a popular Canadian entertainer.
Funny Animal Videos-cat impersonates a barking dog when alone. Here's a funny video of a cat impersonating a barking dog when no one is watching him. We also have a Discovery video explaining how the cat manages to "bark"
Funny Animal Videos-Denver, the famous guilty dog, GMA debut. Denver, the famous guilty dog, in her viral video and TV GMA debut. Over 8 million people have viewed this funny animal video showing dog guilty of bad behavior